Creamy and delicious Durian Crepe Cake

June 12, 2019
Durian Crepe Cake or known as Durian Mille crepe, a No-bake cake with creamy and delicious durian creme patisserie

French crepe recipe

Food and Story

Finally I get to publish this Durian Crepe Cake post.

My last few visits to an Asian grocer, about 50 km away from home, I was happy to find in its freezer tubs of durian (without durian seed).
Never mind that the durian comes from Thailand.

As it was selling for less than AUD$20, I grabbed a tub.

Husband's birthday was just round the corner (this was 6 months ago :P), apart from his favourite butter cake, durian is his favourite fruit!

Durian Crepe Cake sounds inviting!

However, my first attempt of Durian Crepe cake, was horrible.
A failure!
and I wasted my first durian!

My mistake, thinking that by mixing durian and whipped cream will do some magic to my Durian Crepe Cake.

The durian cream was slightly on the runny side, not sweet... and all I could taste was the crepe.

Nevertheless, we did finish the lot :)

My second attempt was much better, the durian creme patisserie was thick enough and the durian flavour was much stronger than the first attempt.

 And the best solution for my durian filling was to make it using "Creme Patisserie" method.

durian crepe cake recipe

How to make Durian Creme Patisserie

First step 

is to thaw the frozen durian (if like me, I can only get frozen durian).

If you are using frozen or fresh durian (lucky you!!). I highly recommend that you sieve the durian.
We want to have a smooth durian creme patisserie.

 Note : I did not discard the fibrous durian bits, I ate them instead! :D

sieved durian flesh

Second step 

is to prepare creme patissiere.

Refer to the recipe card below.

making creamy and delicious creme patisserie

Third step 

is to add durian paste.
Extra flour was needed to make the durian creme patisserie thick enough to make crepe cake.

Note : 

Omit durian if you are not a fan of durian. Add vanilla essence instead!

tasty durian creme patisserie

How to Prepare Crepe Cake

I was planning for green ombre Durian crepe cake.

I divided the batter into 4 and gradually increase the intensity of green food colouring.

No pandan was used in making the batter, I was worried that the flavours might clash :D.

How to assemble durian crepe cake

First Step

I started by using the darkest green crepes.
Spread durian creme patisserie on every crepe.

Tasty crepes

Second Step

Making sure that durian creme patisserie is evenly spread (obviously I failed here :p)

Using an adjustable mousse mould to ensure that my cake standing upright, not lopsided :D

Third Step

Finish off the last layer with the most decent looking piece of crepe.

Dust with some icing sugar.

steps by steps in making crepe cake

Can Durian Crepe Cake be refrigerated?

Durian Crepe Cake has to be refrigerated at least for 4 hours or overnight for the flavours to develop.
As we all know, its either you love or hate durian!

I suggest that you wrap the cake or place them in a sealed cake container, so the durian aroma will not permeate and makes everything in your fridge smells like durian :P.

Durian Mille crepe

Green ombre Durian crepe cake

How long can I keep Durian Crepe Cake?

Durian crepe cake is best eaten after the initial 4 hours or overnight in refrigerator.

We are a small family of 4, we were not able to finish an 8 inch (diameter) Durian crepe cake in one sitting.
I kept the remainder in the fridge, between 3 days to max 7 days.

In my humble opinion...

Durian crepe cake in the fridge up to 3 days is still ok.
The sides of the crepes are getting drier by the day, and the crepe texture became slightly rubbery.

7 days was like stretching a bit too far. 
I would not recommend keeping for this long, as durian creme patisserie has milk, eggs and cream in the mixture.

A slice of Green ombre durian crepe cake

Best way to serve Durian Crepe Cake

Best way to serve Durian Crepe Cake is with a dollop of fresh cream and some durian creme patissiere on the side (as per photo below)

durian crepes

Since you read this far ... :P 

Do check out my other post that has either a fruit, vegetable or mayonnaise in them :)

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Beetroot Red Velvet Cake
Mayonnaise Chocolate Cake Mayonnaise Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Passion fruits Brownies

Chocolate Passion Fruits Brownies

Printable Recipe 

Durian Crepe Cake Recipe is an excellent flavours combining the  French crepe with French creme patisserie and durian, the king of fruit in South-east Asia.


  1. There are no instructions on when to add the liquids: milk and cream to the durian creme patisserie.

    1. Thank you for this :)
      I have amended the recipe card.


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