White Chocolate Peppermint Bark

December 15, 2019
Simple recipe for homemade peppermint bark topped with crushed candy canes, chopped pistachios and chopped walnut.

Simple recipe for homemade peppermint bark topped with crushed candy canes, chopped pistachios and chopped walnut.
White chocolate bark

Easy Holiday Treat

Its December and its time to indulge in some peppermint candy canes!
I have come across loads of 'bark' recipes around this time of year.

And so far I managed to resist making them for just one reason, white chocolate!
I used to be a fan of white chocolate, but of late, I find white chocolate is just a little too sweet for my liking. 

 Blame it on the tastebud that has changed as I aged!!
This year, I brave myself and am sharing this homemade White Chocolate Peppermint Bark!

White Chocolate Peppermint Bark

What is Peppermint Bark?

Peppermint bark is a chocolate confectionary consists of candy canes and chocolates.

The original peppermint bark would have a layer of dark chocolate with a layer of white chocolate on top, and finish off with sprinkling crushed candy canes on top of white chocolate layer.

But I am all so NOT into originals :P

Hence my White Chocolate Peppermint Bark is here :D.

chunky white chocolate melting white chocolate using bain marie tempering white chocolate peppermint, pistachios and walnut bark ready to go in the fridge

How to Make White Chocolate Peppermint Bark?

It is very simple.

All you need is a packet of candy canes, white chocolate, pistachios and walnuts.
And the best part is ... it is a NO BAKE treat!!

I have typed out steps by steps on HOW to make this White Chocolate Peppermint Bark in the recipe card below.

The most important part of the steps is to temper chocolate!!

1. Tempering white chocolate I used bain marie method or double boil method, as I am comfortable with this method.
You can opt to use microwave.

2. Add toppings This is the easy part. 
Just sprinkle crushed peppermint candy canes, pistachios and walnuts

3. Refrigerate Refrigerate for at least 1 hour (or 4 or forever, if you are experiencing a hot Australian summer)

>4. SNAP!! This is the fun part!
Take this White Chocolate Peppermint Bark sheet out from the refrigerator and snap them into pieces.

The snapping sound is so satisfying!!

white chocolate peppermint, pistachios and walnut bark
If you are in any part of the world that is not having cold wintry weather, I suggest to store these White Chocolate Peppermint Bark in either your refrigerator or freezer.
The white chocolate bar I bought 2 days before I make this White Chocolate Peppermint Bark, has soften while sitting in my larder. (notice how easy for me to cut the chocolate in the video!)

That is Australian extremely hot weather!!! :(

peppermint candy , walnut and pistachios bark

Yay!!! White Chocolate Peppermint Bark Video

I made a quick video (below) on how to make these marvellous end of year treat. 
Its only around Christmas time that I get to see loads of candy canes :)

So enjoy your holiday. 

Other Holiday treat that you may want to try :D

Wishing you a ...
HAPPY HOLIDAY and a Wonderful 2020

White chocolate peppermint bark recipe.  Simple recipe for homemade peppermint bark topped with crushed candy canes, chopped pistachios and chopped walnut. This delicious peppermint bark makes an excellent gifts this holiday season
