French Madeleines
August 11, 2016

After much contemplation and deliberations, I finally gave in to 'wants' of owning a madeleines pan.
Yay!!! :D
... and there are 2 more of bake wares that I am eyeing!!! Both are quite pricey and I am not sure how often I'll be using them. I will definitely use them once but after that....
I have to deliberate and justify 'wanting' them... :(

Since owning this madeleine pan, I have been experimenting baking Madeleines!
Read few tips and 'how-to' whipped one.
Some are quite laborious, tedious while others seems manageable, that I started to have doubts. I had the notion (still has) that anything French made/baked are delicate in flavours, not easy to master.
I know of one good example, MACARON!!
Some batters are to be rested overnight, some can just straight away bake. Some use baking powder and some not. Too many variations to name here... Mr Google is your uncle if you so wish to look up and get some bed time reading story on baking 'madeleines'.
I have narrowed down to 2 recipes: French cook book I owned "The Taste of France" (TToF) and of course... none other than the famous Ms Julia Child's (JC)
I posted both recipes below....
I did 2 batches from TToF : first batch - baked straight away as per recipe.
Second batch - refrigerate overnight.
From JC~ just the one and only batch, required refrigeration for an hour.
All three were mixed using Kitchen mixer.
I presumed JC's original recipe was to hand mix till creamy... I am afraid that I did not follow her method, yikes :(. I'd be having muscle pull for the rest of the week if I had done so :(.

I found that madeleins (from The Taste of France cookbook), either you baked
a) Baked straight away
b) Refrigerate overnight
Has no significant difference.... both has the 'crisp' on the outside, soft on the inside when its hot, out of the oven. Best eat them on the day as it became 'dense' overnight.
Julia Child's ~ has the same texture as above with crisps on the outside but much softer on the inside. It was still good, eaten the next day.
But what I like about Julia Child's method is the mixing of flour, sugar and egg at the start. It gives a better homogenous batter. You can still whisk to pale/cream, and it still gives that 'hump'.
If I were to bake madeleines again... definitely I chose Julia Child's method :D
after all its Julia Child! it has to be good...right ;p
and its easy to follow :D :D

French Madeleines Ingredients
3 eggs (115g)
115g caster sugar
155g plain flour
100g unsalted butter -melted
zest of 1 lemon
** adapted with changes 'The Food of France'
I must try JC's method too. They look really beautiful.