How to Make Pickled Mangoes

November 21, 2014
The preserved mango slices are sweet, salty, and spicy!

Sweet Pickled Green Mangoes

This is so unhealthy, laden with lots of sugar .... but oh boy! these slices tasted so good.

I love 'Jeruk Mangga' or Sweet Pickled green mangoes but I have never made one myself ... well...not until recently! seeing this going round the cyberspace; on facebook, instagram and chat groups... I just couldn't resist, must give it a go :)

I grew up surrounded by mango trees, all types and varieties. My parents had more than 10 mango trees around our house, big, small, sweet and sour... just thinking about it makes my mouth water... oooh yums :)

The year that we had a bumper crop, all trees were fruiting and heavy with lots mangoes, mom would pickled some young ones and leave the rest to ripen on trees. Hers were without chillies and sweet preserved plums.
Oh what a joy!! to have homemade sweet pickled young mangoes, without harmful preservatives :D

And here it is the sweet pickled mangoes that has gone viral...

If you had enough of sweet pickled green mangoes, and you still have quite a lot to go through... why not try  this Mango Salad , I am sure you will love it :D

Sweet Pickled Green Mangoes

Sweet Pickled Green Mangoes

Sweet Pickled Green Mangoes

Sweet Pickled Green Mangoes

Sweet Pickled Green Mangoes

Sweet Pickled Green Mangoes

Sweet Pickled Green Mangoes


  1. An interesting recipe! This pickle must taste great.



  2. As I slowly scroll the photo one by one.....till to the 5th pic that makes me start drooling..... yum. If I popped one piece in my mouth, I think I wont be able to stop.....

  3. I have made this today....and I dont even need the container to store it is all gone just after few hours macerate in the fridge.

  4. My mouth is watering, Lisa. I love those sweet preserved plums too.

  5. Awesome! I love pickled mangoes! Thanks for sharing the how-to. By the way, is raw sugar the same as brown sugar?

    1. Hi Wang Tai Tai,
      Raw sugar is not brown sugar. Its an alternative to white sugar for drinking coffee or tea.
      Use white sugar instead if you cant find raw sugar :D

    2. Thanks for clarifying. Can't wait to try it out! :D

  6. Can we use preserved sour plums instead of sweet ones

    1. T Junie,
      Yes you can and you might want to add more sugar to balance the sour mangoes :D
