Malaysian Open Beef Sandwich (Roti John)

April 10, 2014
Roti John is a delicious street food popular in Malaysia

roti john
Roti John is a delicious Malaysian street food!
Best to describe Roti John, it is a beef-egg/ omelette open sandwich.

Roti John is easy to make and a quick fix to curb your sudden craving for something light yet satisfying bite.
Make it in the comfort of your home.

Roti means Bread in Malay and Hindi.
Street food was made famous in the eighties.
Someone came up with the idea of having mincemeat mix with egg, spread on bread, and cook on a hot griddle or skillet.

How the name 'Roti John' came about… your guess is as good as mine.
Perhaps Mr Google will gladly search and tell you.

roti john sandwich


  1. Oh, I love that sandwich! It must taste really good.

    Cute kangaroos and bird.



  2. Of course here everyone know Roti John and easily available everywhere but it good to make our own sometimes. And yes, I got to make this soon too.

  3. I love the picture of the kangaroos...and the roti sounds and looks delicious...
    Have a beautiful weekend Lisa :D

    1. Have a good long Easter weekend too Juliana :D

  4. Those kangaroos are sweet!
    My husband loves foods prepared with ground meat ... bet he will enjoy the Roti john too.

  5. Wow this roto john looks delicious. Thanks for sharing this recipe :)
