Pecan Pie Cake

April 12, 2013
Easy to bake Pecan Pie Cake.
Pecan Pie Cake

Posted on 12th April 2013

February 2013

Dear Son,
I know this is a bit late to appear on my blog, but
You are turning 18, I wanted to have that “Mom-Son” sit down and talk, where I do all the talking and you do the listening.

I know that was not going to happen, as you will be there in person but, you will be thinking of your next move in your DotA game, yes, son, it is not cool

Perhaps 20 years from now, you will be reflecting on what I am about to tell you, and there is zero chance that you might remember, so I ‘penned’ whatever I wanted to say here…. you can read and re-read, whenever you feel like it (if you ever read this!

Dear Son,
You just turned 18… the age where your dad and I ceased to exist in our common law.
No one requires ‘Mom or Dad’ signatures on any documents or reports anymore.
No banks, Tax office, University etc will call us, write to us, or talk to us.
To them, we are HISTORY, someone from your past, and not required in the present or future.
Oh I feel sad … so sad

Moist Pecan pie cake

Pecan Pie Cake

I have been looking and searching for the right words to say, waiting for the right moment… composing my letter to you in my head… going over and over again the things I wanted to tell you, share with you, and prepare you for your journey that will lead you to the one-way road named ‘ADULTHOOD’.

Southern Living Pecan pie cake

Well….it’s time to let go before we can totally let you run your life

Be you ~ as everyone else is taken!
Your dad and I, hope that in the past 18 years, we have managed to instill good values in you, in terms of respect, love, honesty, and integrity to build a solid foundation for your future as well as uphold our belief in the power of

It’s a jungle out there.
The world around you will try to dictate how you should be, and what to be so that you are part of them.
You don’t have to dance to their tunes.
Whenever you are in that ‘sticky’ situation, in dilemma, just evaluate each and every one of your strong set of core values without compromising any.
Be strong stand firm, and exercise what you believe in.
Don’t worry if they do not accept you for who you are, consider it as their lost for not wanting to know a good and great person that you are.

Don’t lose sight of your goal in life.
Chase your dream and make it happen.
Don’t be afraid …you may stumble and fall, remember, with every grazed knee, every cut, every pain… ‘they’ will make you a better stronger person.
“No pain No gain”, right?
Ticking Clock!

We may not have much time together.
With you, busy with your daily life... while your dad and I, are busy counting the thinning hair or the very few dark brown hairs on our heads (if any left at all… ).
Let’s cherish and treasure every moment we have together.

What the future holds!
The bad~ We will no longer be your ATM nor your mobile bank, so you have to work hard to earn your living!
The good news is~
You get to decide whether to drive your metallic blue AUDI TT or get a driver to drive you and 40 or more other passengers

The end!
I think I have said enough for now…
I'll save some for your 21st….
We love you till our last breath...

Lots of Love Mom and Dad
psst: Dad still owes you a birthday cake as he was supposed to bake you this.. but he conned me into baking on the pretext that he was doing the "Supervising"...duh!!!


  1. A wonderful letter, funny too! Happy Birthday to your son.

    This cake is splendid and really tempting!



  2. panjang noo surat mak apak dia tuk anak bujangnya...
    happy birthday boy.
    hope you have a blast year.
    dont forget to make your parents proud every single second!
    sanah helwah!

  3. I think the mom baking the birthday does better and more presentable and I am sure you are real pleased with this pecan pie cake. Even when i look at it, i feel pleased too because it is so beautiful. Hope your son is reading your this post and Happy Birthday to your son.

  4. Happy Birthday to your son, Lisa and I love the letter :-)) it makes me smile.
    The cake looks fantastic!!

  5. Lisa, I enjoy reading your letter, it is lovely and funny :)
    Happy Birthday to your young adult son!!!!

  6. Hi there, I found your blog when I googled "pi pa duck". But I'm glad I found it...because I got to read this beautiful letter to your son for his 18th! You've inspired me to do the same for my sister, who will soon be turning 18 too. I may only be her sister and may not have much wisdom to impart on her but, hey, I'm sure she'll be happy to get some guidance, as I would have too when I first turned 18. So thank you.


  7. your beautifully penned letter made me laughed and got me fuzzy too ^^ hope he reads this post.. if not now, one day and know that he's always so loved ^^ and your pecan cake is as gorgeous as an audi tt ^^

  8. Happy birthday to ur son Lisa....
    What lovely cake you've baked!

  9. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes... :D

  10. Happy birthday boy!

    pst Lisa, boleh copy dak utk my boy 18 birthday. 7 years more lah. Sedey gak lah baca surat u tu but then again I'm very emotional, hormonal tu...

  11. Happy Birthday to your son! You always make the best birthday cakes. Such a beautiful cake, Lisa!!! Pinning!!!

  12. What a wonderful letter! And the cake looks delicious!

  13. Wonderful cake for such a great occasion!

  14. This is so sweet, happy birthday to your son! This is such a gorgeous cake.

  15. Love pecan pie - this is such a creative idea! It's beautiful too!

  16. you're such a lovely mom - i wouldn't mind being your son too ;p and i spot a watermelon cake at the back of the first picture hehe
