Malaysian-Indian Salad (Pasembur)

February 15, 2013
Made of a variety of ingredients such as deep-fried hard beancurd, julienne cucumber, steamed potato, julienne carrots, julienne yam beans, and crispy prawn fritters.
Malaysian-Indian Salad recipe.

Known as Pasembur (pronounced as Puh-serm- bore) in the Northern States of Malaysia or Rojak (pronounced as Raw-Juck) to the rest.

What is Pasembur?

According to wiki
"Pasembur is a Malaysian Indian salad consisting of cucumber (shredded), potatoes, beancurd, turnip, bean sprouts, prawn fritters, spicy fried crab, fried octopus or other seafood [1] and served with a sweet and spicy nut sauce. The term Pasembur is peculiar to Northern Peninsular Malaysia. It is especially associated with Penang where Pasembur can be had along Gurney Drive.[2] In other parts of Malaysia, the term Rojak Mamak is commonly used." It is my favorite food...


Posted 15th Feb 2013

It is been many years..since I last had a plate of Pasembur...  the last time I had a plate full of this glorious gorgeous Pasembur was most probably back in 2008, visiting my parents and before my dad's health dwindled.

It was my dad's favourite too.

Occasionally on his way home for lunch, my dad rode his old and trusted Honda Cup (motorbike) to his favourite Pasembur vendor and bought a few packets for his family as a treat.

Fresh, crisp Malaysian-Indian Salad

I was a school-going kid who lived miles away from school and had to rely on our super efficient (NOT!!) public transport. I reach home from school at almost 2.30 pm every day.

Feeling tired, sweaty, hot, and bothered...Plus it was quite a walk from the bus stop to home... everything seems far in the hot weather plus when one was tired from half a day using one's brain power and the heavy bag pack!!!
...but all that feeling vanished as soon as I looked under the food cover ... saw a plate of Pasembur... waiting...  'YAY'...

A shower and a change into fresh clean clothes can wait... but my tummy, couldn't!

Malaysian-Indian Salad  serve with spicy nutty sauce.

not wanting to waste another minute, I  pulled a  nearby stool, sat, and ate my share of the freshly made 
(by the vendor of course...) Pasembur.

~ Happy ~ Satisfied ~ Contented

Pasembur rojak

Pasembur is best eaten immediately... the julienne vegetable will wilt and lose its crunch and so are the fritters.

The above photo shows an overview of the many ingredients to make 'Pasembur'.
psssst...I did not make and include coconut fritters (mix the batter as per Cucur Udang below but substitute chopped prawns with freshly grated coconut, and omit turmeric and shallots)... why? I never like it with my Pasembur anyway.

Ok... Let us eat the Pasembur


  1. cucuoq kelapa tu memang takleh gi la dari dulu Lisa
    it's taste sometimes bitter if hangit.
    totally cannot gi.
    but the gravy i normally lve both.
    eitehr teh nutty one or the sambal one.
    rojak - rojak.
    pasemboq (penang dialect)
    Chek lapaq la nengok pasemboq hang ni.

    1. Hahaha... sama la kita no :D
      Memang tak leh nak telan pun cucuq nyioq tu ;P

  2. Wow!!!what a wonderful Rojak, yummmy!!!!

  3. A beautiful salad! What a great combination of ingredients. It reminds me a little of Gado-Gado...



  4. This is a new salad to me. Looks exotic and delicious!

    1. Thank you Angie :D
      Its hawker food favourite among Malaysians or Singaporeans :D

  5. Hi Lisa! We call this "Indian Rojak" here in Singapore... The hot, sweet and spicy peanut gravy is the soul of the dish.. oh.. I love the fresh green chili too!

  6. Ooh....rojak is one of my favorites. Now hardly buy from outside. And now looking at yours, it is good and always healthy to make at home. Yum.

  7. ish, syok tak terkata bila nampak your pasemboq!! There's more chance of me menang jackpot millionaire than jumpa sengkuang kat Aberdeen... prolly kena tanam sendiri kot?! x

    1. LOL... kalau Muna menang jackpot, boleh order se guni sengkuang airflown dari Msia ;P

      fresh sengkuang kat sini seasonal... kalau ada pun, mak aiii , mahai, about AUD$15/kg!!
      ni pun I beli satu saja, for show... tak cantik tegha mana pun :(

  8. Omg Lisa I love love love Pasembur! And even if my pasembur only had hard boiled eggs and tofu I'm happy already. Just love the sauce and never realised it's so doable at home. Thanks for sharing this recipe! Maybe I can surprise ppl by asking ppl to "lou hei" with this instead of the traditional one this CNY ;p

    1. LOL...
      cannot lou hei with pasembur ma, no element of 'Ong' hehehe

  9. i always look for salads that are flavorful just like yours! what a vibrant salad with so much goodness :)

  10. How did you manage to get the sengkuang?


    1. From one of the Asian Grocers...
      but they dont stock sengkuang all year round :( and mahai :((

  11. These look decadently yummy! Have a great week

  12. Haiyo my goodness! I felt like having pasembur...and you have it here!!!
    Truly inviting my dear!!!!

  13. Hi Lisa,

    Kalau balik Perlis, mesti makan pasembur di pekan Kodiang, Kedah. Memang tak boleh lepaskan peluang.

  14. Hmmm looks absolutely delicious. It's too bad that I've never had a chance to try this dish. I really love your photography Lisa! I get inspiration every time I come here. :)

  15. Ni memang I suka makan sangat. I suka your cucur udang.. nak try nanti. :)

  16. Apa habag,

    Tengah dok chari respi pasemboq, tengok2 cheh ada pulak bagoih punya senang pulak ni... jadi terjumpalah saudari Lisa punya laman web ni... dok ingat laa kalau ada masa buleh laa buat cucoq udang, tak kalu buat apa yang senang laa gamak nya... nih nak tanya sat, cek ni orang Penang kaa? Kalau iya, tang mana sedap pasemboq Penang? Kalu had Padang Bromm tu dak pernah makan.. :))) Terima kasih buat respi naa...


    1. Cheq oghang Kedah, so makan2 kat Penang cheq tak pandai ;p
