Gazpacho, cold tomato soup

January 11, 2013
Fresh cold soup, Gazpacho made from fresh tomatoes, and cucumber!


Posted 11th January 2013
My brain slowly became alert and woke up from interrupted night sleep.

My eyes were trying to accommodate and adjust to the bright light streaming from my bedroom windows... almost blinding...
A quick glance towards the ticking alarm clock... it's almost 7 am.

Small beads of sweat started to emerge...

Slowly... lazily...  I swung my feet off the bed and head out to the kitchen... in the 'sleep deprivation' state of mind, I reached out to open the door... walked out to the yard... smell the air...
The sky was clear without any white fluffy clouds, the air was heavy, humid and almost zero breeze...
... I let out a big sigh... '... another scorcher day!!' 

Chill gazpacho

'what's for dinner?' I could almost hear myself asking... I had no intention to slog over the stove nor am I starting the oven...
Half awake and half asleep..., I reached out to open the fridge... did a quick scan... found a bag of truss tomatoes, cucumber, feta cheese, basil, and a few bits and bobs...

My daughter's ~ "Mom, can you make tomato soup? I loooove tomato soup"... came to mind.

Gazpacho!... yes Gazpacho...why not give it a go.. After, it is tomato soup
The super PLUS point is ~ that Gazpacho is best served COLD!! Superb on HOT summer days...

With the dinner plan 'almost' sorted... I shut the fridge door firmly... and headed back to bed, hoping to catch another wink or two...

Next week's Post: another COLD meal to go with Gazpacho ~ Simple Angle Hair with Olive Oil infused with Lemon....stay tune ...

Take care... and have a wonderful weekend.


  1. That is something I love. Your gazpacho looks delicious!



  2. Looks delicious and amazing presentation dear.

  3. i love your gazpacho served in bottles, especially the one in the first pic.. looks especially delish! ^^

  4. Hi Lisa! Agree with all that your gazpacho looks absolutely yummy! I'm definitely going to give this a go!

  5. Hi Lisa, I tak pernah makan this but it look really good. Nice presentation!

    Have a nice week ahead.

    1. I pun tak pernah makan soup sejuk sebelum ni :D

  6. Nice write-up! I kind of wanted for this now though not feeling any heat here : ).

  7. Lisa, this is indeed delightful and tasty. I am saving this to try in summer.

  8. I am also keeping this to try in summer! :)

  9. This looks yummy and cute. Beautiful photos! I will try this in the summer also.

  10. Looks super nice!!
    Baru realise I missed out so many of your posts! So, sekarang duk tak my time to catch up a bit. :)
