Strawberry and Basil Ice-Cream

December 07, 2012

Strawberry and Basil Ice-cream
Delicious fruit and herb ice cream, try this Strawberry and Basil Ice-cream recipe

Strawberry Ice-cream recipe.

Posted on 7th December 2012
I made this batch of strawberry and basil ice cream sometime in late October when strawberries were in abundance and at a bargain ... yeah... I know I need to catch up on postings lately... I blamed it on my lack of discipline... 
When asked 'What are you going to do with all these strawberries...?' I went 'errmmm...' 

I had over 6 kgs of strawberries... shocking!!!

many lovely dishes crossed my mind... but ice cream... yum... who can resist ice cream?

So I gathered all the ingredients needed to churn some delicious scrumptious ice cream... kiddos and H, knew I was making strawberry ice cream..and that was that.

Basil and strawberries ice-cream

Ice cream is all set, scooped into individual ice cream bowls, and ready to be served.

H took his first spoonful ...
H~.. It is not only 'strawberry' ice cream, isn't it?...something else was added... but I can't put my finger to the taste... familiar but...
Me~ keep on tasting... and guessing.

...and after tasting a few more spoonfuls.

nearly half of ice cream dissappeared, he was still clueless

Then D walked in... tasted and had that same look and question as his dad.
D~ .... don't tell me, I want to guess
smiling to myself....feeling 'victorious'...hehe
>he... they aren't going to get it right.
Last... to waltz into the scene ~ my 'Princess...'

E~ ooh yummo... Ice-cream!!!

after the first taste.

E~ nice... yum... strawberry and BASIL

The taste of fresh strawberry with basil are amazing.

....because "Girls are made of sugar and spice and everything that is nice...", she knew exactly what was in the ice cream.... hehehe... do better next time BOYS!!!


  1. Hi Lisa! That looks awesome - a good reason for me to get an ice-cream maker.

    1. love ice-cream maker...very handy to have one, especially we are heading towards long hot summer :(

  2. Yuhhuuu.... Lisa, I mau 3 scoops boleh? Macam gunung high like that... I sure know how many scoops I want.... LOL

    Lovely pink ice cream.... lapar lah even thou baru makan. LOL

    Have a lovely day ahead,regards.

  3. A delightful ice cream flavor! Your post made me smile...



  4. your daughter must've inherited your palate ^^ strawberry ice-cream any time, any day is always a good idea ^^ best yet if it's homemade!

  5. Strawberry and basil - what a refreshing combination!

  6. Lovely combination! 6 kgs of strawberries! That's really alot!

  7. I love strawberries and basil together. And in ice cream it must be the best combo! My mouth is watering.

  8. What a clever combination ! and a clever daughter ! Distinguished palate in training ;-)

  9. Looks really good!! I will not hesitate to help myself! :)

  10. Interesting combo, I am trying to imagine the taste... Basil probably ads some freshness to it. We use mint in ice cream and lemonades all the time, Why not basil? I should try this during the ice cream season (I can't eat ice cream in winter - does not feel right). And the photos are so happy and gorgeous! And good job for your daughter, no wonder she an exquisite palate with mommie being such a wonderful cook :-)

  11. wow 6kg of strawberries is A LOT of strawberries! but love how you combined it together with basil in an icecream! I love it on tarts so i can definitely imagine how delicious it is blended together in a cool treat!

  12. Wow!! What a fantastic combination!! Can't wait till I get back to Europe - and fresh strawberries are in abundance!! Looks soooo delicious!! Thanks for the recipe!!
