Bubur Kacang or Mung Beans Sweet dessert...
March 26, 2009

This is for you, Salina aka Ms Red Hat... bubur kacang hijau....some would add ginger but this is my mum's version ....
Wash and soak the mung beans (kacang hijau) overnight. I prefer to cook the beans in a slow cooker as I am a lazy person to watch over the stove.
Fill up the slow cooker pot with water... up to the half mark (for at least 1 1/2cup of dried beans). Throw in a couple of daun pandan and a stick of cinnamon. Let it cook for 3 hrs until soft... watch out for the water level after your second hour as it could dried up. Add coconut milk, brown sugar and a bit of salt...
Ta...da...All ready for you to dive in....
Emm.. I am tasting it in my dream now! But will definitely try to make it comes Easter! Struggling to finish all my assingments before i can start packing! Final countdown... two more weeks to go... i'll get to my favourite rojak, nasi dagang, ice kacang, cendol, satay, nasi kerabu and the list goes on he he he