Bebek Betutu (Balinese Roast Duck)

March 14, 2014
Balinese roast duck, Bebek Betutu.

Mom, what would you like for your birthday cake
'Mom, what would you like for your birthday presents?
questions... questions I get, as my BIG day approaches…
Million-dollar questions…and as always… I do not know.
As I am inching towards half a century, I noticed my "want" list is getting shorter!

If I were to rewind the clock to 30 years ago, my 'want' list could be tens of pages long.
What else can I say: Age is stretching, list is shrinking!

… birthdays are about making memories with loved ones..

this Balinese Roast Duck or Bebek Betutu I love to say Bebek Betutu again and again…. it has a lovely intonation to it and so is the taste :) was cooked to perfection by my better half

...and as to the question of my choice of cake?

...I wanted a "cake"  … a PANcake would be perfect!!! 

unfortunately, no one heeded my request  

Birthday cake

Yes…. I am counting my blessings … I have been given another year to celebrate with my loved ones. 

Indonesian roast Duck

What happened on Saturday 8th March, has left us numb, speechless, devastated, and sad.
Let's take a moment and say our prayer…
that the MIGHTY one will help ease the pain the families are going through in this trying time.
we hope and pray that they survive this catastrophe,
please … please lead them home to the waiting arms of their loved ones,
and if it should be otherwise,
please… please… send us some 'sign', some 'indication', at least something
so that the waiting families can have a closure to what happened to their loved ones on board.


  1. Hi Lisa
    Yeap, it has been devastating to learn of the incident of MH370. 7 days has passed and still no where the the plane is....kind of frustrating.

    Wow, your better half cook this delicious duck on your birthday? How lucky. I think your birthday list getting shorter because nothing is more precious and important to have your family safe and healthy at all times. Happy Bday to you. Stay beautiful as always!

  2. A tragic event...

    That roast dusk looks mighty scrumptious! What a beautiful dish.



  3. Not knowing is just terrible...:-((
    I wish my husband can cook too. That's a beautiful roasted duck dish, Lisa. Happy Birthday!!

  4. Terrible what happened with MH730. We can only hope that something comes to light soon.

    On a different note, many happy returns! Enjoy your cake.

  5. My heart is so shattered for the friends/families of the people on MH370. Such a devastating turn of event lots of thought and prayers from the nation and the rest of the world goes out to them. Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe (I love love cooking duck) whilst giving us a chance to give a moment of silence for them.

  6. I'm so speechless with whats happened to MH 370
    happy belated bday to u, so lucky u have a great cook hubby :)
    great dish u had there :)

  7. Hi Lisa, how you doing? Happy belated Birthday to you, wishing you many happy returns.
    Your duck recipe very interesting, it look so delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Hi Ms celebrity Amelia… i am good and you?
      Thank you

  8. It is really sad...and very troublesome what happened to the MH370...
    Happy Belated Birthday Lisa and the duck looks delicious...very flavorful!
    Hope you are having a nice week my dear :D

  9. Wow, damn delicious bebek betutu, i'm imressed!!!
    I'm Indonesian and i really thankyou to share this Indonesian recipe,
    the photograph is really seducing me...
