Penang Char Kway Teow (Fried Flat Rice Noodle)

November 15, 2013
Char Kway Teow is a classic fried rice noodle dish from Malaysia, especially on Penang Island.

Penang Char Kway Teow

What is Char Kway Teow?

Char kway teow is Chinese fried noodles, cooked using high heat to give, the noodles it smoking flavor, known as 'wok-hei'.
The flat rice noodles are used in making this char kway teow.

ingredienst for char kway teow

Ingredients for making Char Kway Teow

Of course you will need to have flat rice noodles, buy fresh from your nearest Asian grocer.
You will need beansprout, chives, and garlic.
Some soy sauce that you may have in your larder or fridge.
Last but not least some chili paste for some heat.

Prawns are optional but egg is a must.

penang fried kway teow

Posted on 15th November 2013

It is a stressful 2 weeks for everyone at home by Monday 18th, 12 noon "We" will be inhaling a good amount of O2 (Oxygen) to fill up our lungs and breathe out, let out a BIG CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)... phew! What a relief.
"We" as in the parents of 2 kids having their exams.

D will be sitting his last 2 papers today, he has completed his first year in Uni and his summer holiday begins.
...and E will be sitting for her last paper on Monday. And that's it... no more waking up early, dragging her feet in sleep deprived state of mind, school's out till Feb 2014 (except for 3 days, the following week that she is required to attend school to get her results and report card/ assessment)

Not too sure whether my parents were this tense when I sat for my exams...perhaps I was too stressed to notice.

While the kids were busy preparing for their exams, both mom and dad were busy scratching their heads, searching for "what to cook" that would please both, the stressed-out kids.
As mentioned before in my earlier post... I have 2 kids with tastebuds poles apart (like North Pole and South Pole)

One loves spicy food; from Indian curries to eating everything with chilies (like sambal, Sriracha, etc...), and dislikes yellow noodles (he doesn't mind flat rice noodles); 
The other loves anything and everything tomato-based and not spicy food (she dislikes curries, loves pasta and noodles...) 
Having Char Kway Teow(CKT) (loosely translated- flat rice noodles fried on high heat) sounds promising, and to have it cooked and served 1 sounds even better. Then we can either omit, decrease, or increase the chili paste to suit. 
A happy ending.


I am sharing with you, my late mom-in-law's secret recipe to a good Char Kway Teow.


  1. My kind of dish! A tasty combination of ingredients.



  2. Hi Lisa
    Nowadays being a parent or as a child is so much different comparing to those olden days.....those days were more relaxed and stress free when in the exams period. And may I order one take away Char kway teow from " My Lemony Kitchen"? chilly please!

    1. hehehe... can order, I've emailed you oledi ;P

  3. i love love love char kway teow! you take such amazing pics, lisa.. i'm practically licking off my comp screen! ^^

  4. Awwww, deep breaths and don't forget to take a few bites of this delicious kway teow! Good luck to your kids :)

    1. Breathing in and taking a few slurp of CKT at the same time ;P

  5. CKT is always a winner! I think my parents were always concerned if I didn't study enough for exams. And they were more anxious than I was when waiting for results :)

    1. I was anxious for my result and now anxious for my kids' :(

  6. Look at the dish - it proves that you cook well even under stress : ). By the way, have a happy break after your kids' exam!

  7. I love your soy sauce plates!!! great blog! xxx

  8. Oh, Lisa..such a juicy, light, colorful and tasty dish! And so exotic! Beautiful!

  9. i often hear when the kids are having exams, it makes the parents feel like having exams too, parents get stressed during their kids exams and relieved when the exams are over..hehe..dont know why it has turned into such situation..parents and kids both having pressure at the same time when it comes to exams :)))

    your plate of ckt certainly will take away the stress out from the kids..nice!
