Penang Loh Bak / Deep-fried Beancurd Roll

January 25, 2013

Beancurd Roll

Posted 25th January 2013
Another festive atmosphere is in the air, mostly happening in Blog World.

In almost every blog I visited, I see scrumptious traditional and modern bake/ spread alike. I could only imagine the taste of almond cookies, peanut  cookies, kuih bakul or Ti Kueh (Chinese Golden Sweet Sticky Rice cakes), and many more... *sigh*

Yes...  Chinese New Year celebration in 16 days' time... woohoo... we will soon say hello to the Year of the Snake... my year (hehe... I am letting the world know how *old* I am ...)

I am Kiasu (don't want to miss out)
Hubby and I experimented and made Penang Loh Bak or Beancurd Roll for the first time.

Loh Bak is definitely something new to me. first bite?, many... many Chinese New Year ago... my late Mother-in-law prepared, rolled and fried Loh Baks with love... 

But now.. we have to rely on H's good memories (which sometimes failed him too, getting 'wiser' aka OLD) and do the best we can to make our Chinese New Year with kids... memorable

Penang Loh Bak / Beancurd Roll recipe is easy to make at home.

Making and savoring Loh Baks definitely invoke that nostalgic Chinese New Year mood... and its good to enjoy such delicacy once a year, not more... for I have a great phobia of deep frying food  (fried oily food seems good in navigating its way and happily settled on my thigh, tummy, and butt ... )

Have a wonderful weekend peeps...
and to my Oz friends "Have a happy, relaxing 3-day long *Australia Day* weekend... *double thumbs up*"


  1. Hey, kita sama binatang, but I know I ni tua bulan dari you. Happy New Year to us. In sha Allah, I hope this Snake year will be a better year than last year 'silly' dragon. ;)

  2. Hi Lisa, pass 4 keping bean curd roll sini. LOL
    Look tempting and addictive... yours look so good.

    Have a nice week ahead,regards.

  3. Hello Lisa
    I just had my lunch but I don't mind to have a few pieces from you now because this seems too good to say no to.... I wish I can have this without me to make it....soooooo delicious. I love this.

    1. Thank you... Its wonderful to enjoy these minus the prep work and cleaning after :P

  4. Oh, wonderful! Those rolls look mighty good. I really have to buy bean curd skins...



  5. Hi Lisa.. Looks yummy. I have not tried this before but it looks like the Ngoh Hiang that I am more familiar with.

    1. Similar(I think...I googled Ngoh Hiang) with different name and meat being used :D

  6. Beautiful lobak. I just want to grab a few of it. I like how you roll out the lobak. It is different :) By the way, are you sharing the recipe for the cucur udang. I like the thin cripy version like the one on the 1st picture.

  7. Dis wan must try, must try... look so good!!
    Oh, no... not another rolling, rolling food... haish, never the mind... rolling pun rolling-lah, if family bising, suruh depa masak sendiri.

  8. tell me about the yum-yums everyone is posting in the run-up to cny! what a feast for the eyes! thanks for another drool fest with your yummy-licious lor bak! ^^

    1. Temptations... Temptations... everywhere I click *sigh*... how I wish I am back in Malaysia :(

  9. great recipe! it looks scrumptious!

    I'm a new follower, I just discovered your blog and read some of your latest recipes, they're all yummy!

    Michela @

    1. Thank you Michaela... will visit your space soon :D

  10. I love "Loh Bak" and yours (and H's) looks scrumptious! It's the five spice powder which makes the oomph;)

  11. I would love to be eating that right now! YUM!

  12. wahhh loh bak is definitely one of my favorite things to have from penang and now i have the recipe to try it with! definitely gonna make this together with ngoh hiong for CNY!

  13. That is such a good idea. Is bean curd skin the same thing as tofu skin...? I want to try a veggie version of this recipe. Yum.

    1. Look along the dried food aisle in the Asian grocer for dried beancurd skin but Best check with your Asian grocer... could be different terminology use.
      My interpretation of tofu is wet that comes in 4x4 inch x 1 inch high :)

  14. ciao volevo farti i complimenti per il tuo blog che è molto bello e interessante!!!se ti fa piacere passa da me....un saluto...

    1. Thank you :D

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      hello I wanted to compliment you for your blog which is very nice and interesting! goes if you like a greeting from me .... ...

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  16. Super yum!!! Nak makan semua la Lisa.. buat I lapar ja...
